The top four vote getters for my list of possible future blog posts are, in order:
- dog-whistle flap copy
- branding for writers
- diversity on con panels
- immersive fiction choices
I have a million other ideas, too. Some of them are long, more like essays than blog posts, and some are short and ranty. The lovely thing about a blog—this one, anyway—is that I don't have to know in advance.
This blog is a labour of love; when it's too much labour I stop loving it. So it's play, mostly. Which isn't to say I don't take it—and you, dear reader—seriously. I do. I just don't organise around it. Right now, other parts of my life come first. Given that "other parts" include HILD II I'm guessing you won't mind too much.
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: