My very first! For "It Takes Two," which first appeared in Jonathan Strahan's Eclipse 3.
I'm getting this live from Twitter (follow #hugos) so it's all a bit scattered (and perhaps full of mistakes, which I'll correct later). But the other nominees in the novelette category are "Eros, Philia, Agape," by Rachel Swirsky; "The Island," by Peter Watts; "It Takes Two," by, y'know, me; "One of Our Bastards is Missing," by Paul Cornell; "Overtime," by Charles Stross; "Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest," by Eugie Foster. Lots of Brits. Go us!
Also of note to readers of this blog, nominations for Farah Mendelsohn's On Joanna Russ and Helen Merrick's The Secret Feminist Cabal.
More--and more coherently--later. Meanwhile, congrats to everyone, and woo-hoo!