From: AnonymousI just discovered -- and thoroughly enjoyed -- the 3 "Aud books." Can you disclose whether there will be a fourth, and if so, when it might be released?
I have the fourth and fifth Aud novels roughed out in my head, with the fifth being most definitely the last. But right now I'm working on an entirely different project, an historical novel about Hild of Whitby. (I'm keeping a blog about that, though I haven't updated it for a month.) That book will occupy me for at least another year. After that, there are all kinds of things I want to play with, including adapting Aud for the big screen.
So, no, there won't be anymore Aud for a while. Sorry. Still, I'm delighted that you liked the books. Do you have a favourite?
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: