See the roundup of roundups for more reviews, interviews and Hild miscellany than you could possibly want.
Hild, Sarah Rachel Egelman
"From family loyalties to political maneuverings, from the secrets of the written word to the strength of swords, Hild’s is a complex story and a good one for readers wishing to lose themselves in a thick, elegantly told and captivating novel."
[I think I missed this one from January but if you’ve seen it before, hey, it’s not the end of the world]
LitStack Review: Hild by Nicola Griffith, Sharon Browning
"Hild is a remarkable novel set in this time; remarkable because of the world in which it is set, and due to the remarkable character upon which it centers. Remarkable because Hild was a real person, born in 614; and because the life glimpsed in these pages is what we believe it to have been, to the best of our ability to know. Even though it reads like some kind of epic fantasy, familiar enough to follow but strange enough in words and deeds to be otherworldly, it is our own past. […] Yet this is where we came from. This is amazing. This book is remarkable."
Hysterical Hamster
"the brilliance of this book isn’t the amount of research on show. The brilliance is how Griffiths brings these characters to life without ever applying a 21st Century gloss on who they are. If Hild frees her slave later in the novel it’s not because Griffith has turned her into an abolitionist, but because Hild has acted within the bounds of her society and the power she holds."
Seattle Public Library
LivFun: Book Reviews, Misha Stone
"Fans of well-researched and vivid historical novels will devour this tale and wait impatiently for the sequel."
Well Read (video)
In which I talk on the PBS show about Hild with host Terry Tazioli, then Terry and Mary Ann Gwinn chat about the book and a suggested reading list.
Coode Street (audio)
A podcast with Jonathan Strahan, Gary Wolfe, Kelley and me, in which we talk about Hild, fantasy, historicity, reading stances, genre, and more.
Not really about Hild, but, hey, my blog... Anyway, I’m teaching a one-day workshop in Seattle, Sunday 4/13. (Since found out it's already sold-out, sorry.)
Much to my surprise—and delight—Hild is a finalist for the Nebula Award. Award to be presented 5/17 in San Jose. And, oh yep, we’ll be there. And—of course!—there will be beer. Par-ty!
This is no less of a delight—and a real honour. (Why? I’ll talk about that at a later date.)
Antonia Hodgson, the Editor-in-Chief of Little, Brown UK and my editor at the new Blackfriars imprint, talk about why she’s excited about publishing Hild. (Me too. Seriously. This is the fruition of so many of my dreams.)
This blog has moved.
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