If you want to give me and Kelley a wedding present, and/or you want to support MS research in Australia, here's something you can do: support one of our readers in his sponsored bike ride.
Kelley described it all yesterday and so, with her permission, I've just swiped her post.
Nicola and I think all our readers are splendid people. We’ve had the chance to connect with so many good-hearted folks through our work — it’s one of the gifts that writing brings us.
Now one of our splendid readers is bringing another gift. On October 20, Kevin Scarr will ride his bike 50 kilometers to raise money for MS research in Western Australia. Kevin is dedicating his ride, and the money he raises, to Nicola and me. See that smeary place right here on this post? That’s me getting misty.
Will you please consider sponsoring Kevin’s ride? We’d be honored and grateful for your support of him and of MS research.
And if you’re in Western Australia, please consider joining the team for the ride. Kevin is a great person who promises to do handstands on the bike and sing songs and wear a funny hat…. okay, no, he actually didn’t promise that at all. But it will be fun, nonetheless, to hang out with splendid people and talk about books and life and how much it matters when we help each other.
Kevin, thank you. Anything that helps people with MS somewhere in the world ultimately helps all people with MS and people who love them.
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: