I'm delighted to announce that Kelley and I have agreed to be next year's joint Author Guests of Honor at the West Coast's most venerable f/sf convention, Westercon 66, Sacramento, July 4-7.
We'll probably be there a day early and leave a day late--because we're maximum extraction people: we intend to squeeze every drop of delight from the experience.
We'll do readings, hold forth in the bar, be on panels, relax in the bar, do interviews, go back to the bar, do all kind of other stuff TBD (run a workshop? talk about social media? teach arm wrestling? go dancing?), as well as--you guessed it--ending up in the bar. And the con suite. And Opening Ceremonies. And, y'know, everywhere it's possible for us to be.
It will be a blast. Kelley and I both love to talk about writing: the joy, the business, the pitfalls, and so on. So mark your calendars. Join us and the other fantastic guests next summer in Sacramento, at Westercon, the 66th of its name.
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: