My friend, Anne Balsamo, is coordinating an important project that needs your help:
From the Kickstarter info:
The AIDS Memorial Quilt is an unique work of international ARTS ACTIVISM that reflects the worldwide scope and personal impact of the AIDS pandemic. Comprised of more than 48,000 individual PANELS that commemorate more than 91,000 names, the size of the physical QUILT measures more than 1.3 million square feet. It is the largest LIVING MEMORIAL of its kind in the world.
The year 2012 marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Quilt. In June 2012, the Quilt will be featured at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington DC. In July 2012, Quilt will be laid out—in its entirety--on the Mall of Washington for the first time since 1996. It will take four days (July 21-25) to display all 48,000 panels. These events are part of the Quilt 2012 program sponsored by the NAMES Project Foundation—the non-profit organization that maintains and displays the Quilt.
We know that not everyone who has an interest in the AIDS Memorial QUILT can make the trip to Washington, DC this summer. Moreover, the entire QUILT has grown so large that all the panels cannot physically be shown at once. If the entire quilt was laid out, it would cover more the 29 acres of land; it would take a visitor more than 33 days to view every panel—spending only 1 minute at each panel.
We have designed a mobile web app called AIDS QUILT TOUCH that enables people to SEARCH for a specific NAME on a panel and to CONTRIBUTE comments to a Digital Guest Book. For visitors in Washington DC this summer, this application will ALSO enable them to LOCATE the display of a specific panel when it is laid out on the National Mall.
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