I spent yesterday afternoon in the seventh century with a teenaged Hild who has just been spurned by her first love, who has (in her eyes) not only been spurned but publicly humiliated. She is feeling all this the way only a teenager going through this stuff for the first time can. To help me along I played Evanescence. Loud. Oooh, sturm und drang aint in it! But then Kelley popped her head in my office said, Hey, time to go! and we had to shoot out of the house to meet a friend for drinks.
Strangely--to me, at least--we were meeting to celebrate a happy occasion, a new phase of her life in terms of love and joy. Mildly disorientating. But, hey, not boring.
Hild tidbits: I now have 900 pages: 187,000 words. But I really, really am nearing the end. Or, at least, the the end of the beginning...