If you log onto the current Lambda Literary Foundation website, you'll see a juicy new splashpage fitted over the old-style content.
You'll get a hint of just how radical our redesign is going to be.
You'll also have the opportunity to fill out a form telling us what you want from a site dedicated to LGBT literature. We're encouraging you to aim high. Want an iPad app? Want more interviews with trans authors? Want to know where to sell your bisexual YA graphic novel? Wondering what's going on in queer book distribution? Think a queerliterati (oh, yep, I can think of other words for this but will resist) Flickr stream would be awesome? Tell us! And sign up for progress reports by email.
Oh, and if you like what you see, give the LLF some money. (What, you thought you'd get a PSA without a request for cold hard cash? What planet are you from?)