Kelley will be teaching a splendid new 6-week short fiction class, starting January 27th, at Seattle's Hugo House. It's called "The Whole Story:"
All good stories – those that delight or thrill you, make you laugh or cry — are built from the same fundamental blocks. We’ll explore essential elements of good short fiction: structure, point of view, plotting, character development, description and dialogue. You’ll learn practical techniques like specificity, emotional language, anchor points and narrative grammar that you can use immediately. The class will be a mix of reading, discussion, and writing, as well as an hour-long individual conference with the instructor.
Kelley loves to teach, and this will be a pretty cool opportunity to both learn or polish up basic skills and gain access to someone whose short fiction is so good it wins huge prizes and gets turned into TV shows. Oh, and readers sorta like 'em too.
I'm toying with the notion of teaching a non-fiction class, perhaps essays, perhaps memoir (perhaps both). I've never taught that before, but I learnt a lot writing And Now We Are Going to Have a Party. And it turns out that story is story--long or short, made-up or real. It might be fun.
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