Will you be in Seattle on Friday, July 17th? Then come to a party! It's free. It's at our house. It's for the students, instructors, and supporters of Clarion West. Kelley and I give seriously good party. You won't regret it. If you want party info, get on the Clarion West mailing list. (Give them some money, too, if you're so inclined--but it's not a prerequisite.) It's starts at 8 pm and will probably go til about midnight--though ours have been known to go a little longer. (Our 2007 hootenanny, for example, went until about 2 am.) But it's best early on, when the food is still there (Clarionites eat like gannets) and the wine is freshly opened and I'm not good and glazed. (Yep, Clarion parties are BYOB but we provide a lot of good stuff, too.)
So come on down and party. And, please, introduce yourself.
Other opportunities to see me and Kelley in the next twelve months include:
- a skiffy wingding in Olympia, with Bloodhag (woo hoo!) at the Timberland Library, after hours, sometime in October
- a long weekend of fun and games in Atlanta, at OutlantaCon, April 2010
- something (don't know what, yet) in New York, at the end of May 2010, when I'll be in town for the Lambda Literary Awards and BEA
More details on all this stuff as I get it.
I'm hoping, too, to get to the UK for a long holiday later in 2010. I don't know if there will be any public stuff involved there or not, but if there is I'll be sure to let you know.