
Monday, December 29, 2008

statistics roundup

For those who like numbers, this blog is nine months old. This is the 311th blog post. As I type this (on Sunday morning) I've had 23,483 visits from 95 countries. The top ten countries are:

  1. United States
  2. Canada
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Australia
  5. Germany
  6. Sweden
  7. Netherlands
  8. France
  9. Romania
  10. Singapore
(This contrasts with with visitors from 129 countries, and in the top 10 Hong Kong, Ireland, Spain instead of Romania, Singapore and the Netherlands. There again, I've been keeping stats at for 15 months, not nine, so it's not an exact comparison.)

Average time spent on the site, 2:59. Average number of pages per visit: 1.74. The three most viewed posts are:

  1. you've been warned (629)
  2. amazon one-star meme (416)
  3. fainting, shame, and obviousness (344)
Interestingly, the three most commented upon posts are:
  1. what is Obama thinking? (43)
  2. Carkeek Park (36)
  3. dogs in the seventh century (33)
We've also built a community gallery, A View of One's Own, and are in the early stages of creating a publishing co-operative. (More co-opers wanted.)

From this information I make some very unscientific guesses: people find me through, then come to the blog and stick around because they get to chat to each other. And most find rants more entertaining but prefer to discuss only the reasoned and reasonable posts. What does this mean for the future of the blog? You tell me.

Any thoughts? Requests?

This blog has moved. My blog now lives here:
