
Thursday, November 27, 2008


Here in Seattle it's a day of scudding cloud and lemon sun, and the outside world is very quiet: few cars, few planes, no one hammering or sawing. It is Thanksgiving Day. I want to give thanks to this community.

In the eight months since this blog began, nearly seven thousand of you have come and read and contributed, and read and contributed again. As a group we have listened, and learned, and offered a helping hand. And giggled at naff stuff. Oh, and we built our own photo gallery, A View of One's Own. Thank you, all, for being part of this. Thank you for reading and commenting here, and on MySpace and Facebook, on the Yahoo list, and on my other blog. There are several hundred of us regulars now, and for each other we make the world just a little sturdier, just a little richer, just a little more connected.

I am thankful for you all. I wish everyone a most marvellous day.

This blog has moved. My blog now lives here:
