Tonight at 6:30 I'll be at the Port Townsend Library Learning Center, 1256 Lawrence St., to talk about Hild, and read a bit--and talk some more, and answer your questions, and sign books. This is both a celebration of libraries and my last public Hild event before I devote myself full-time to Hild II.
These things are enormous fun for me; I love to talk about my work. I'm especially pleased to be helping Port Townsend celebrate their library's 100th birthday. Libraries, especially inter-library loan, are what made Hild possible. Without them I would have been able to do much less research, which would have led to a lesser book. So much less, in fact, that I don't think I would have felt able to stand behind it. No libraries = no Hild.
So come and help me celebrate the wonder that is free information delivered expertly, that is, libraries. More info on the event here.