For those of you who asked when I'd be teaching again I've been chatting with Clarion West. I will repeat my one-day workshop, "The Magic of Immersive Fiction," on June 1st. Registration is not yet open but I wanted to give a heads-up to those of you not already on the waiting list.
Those of you on that waiting list will have first dibs on the fourteen slots available.
It turns out that the first one sold out in 90 minutes (!) so if you have your heart set on doing this, be ready. I'll announce registration as soon as it goes live. ETA: this will be in a week or so.
Two notes:
- despite the inauspicious date, this is not an April Fool's post
- this workshop is for those who couldn't get into the first rather than repeat students
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: