Not too much today, so here is a quick note about some upcoming dates:
- April 6. An interview on To the Best of Our Knowledge, including three mini-readings from Hild--at least one of which you have never heard before. Check local NPR station for listings. But, hey, initial air date is same day that Game of Thrones Season 4 begins...
- April 10. The UK (and Australian, and Indian, and Irish, etc--more than 50 territories) ebook of Hild is out from Blackfriars. More on this anon.
- April 13. Clarion West one-day workshop on "The Magic of Immersive Fiction." The workshop sold out in 90 mins so I've been asked to teach it again. I'm thinking about it. Let me know in comments if you're interested.
- May 9. I'm reading at Elliott Bay, with Mattilda Berstein Sycamore and Chavisa Woods, at 7 pm. Come help us celebrate our nominations--in Bisexual Fiction, Trans Non-Fiction, and Lesbian General Fiction--for the Lambda Literary Award.
- May 17. Nebula Awards. San Jose. Be there! (Par-ty!)
Brown Study
Hild by Nicola Griffith, Selena Frye
"I didn't plan it this way, but I can't think of a better book to champion during Women's History Month. Griffith's work is historical fiction at its finest, illuminating a slice of Anglo-Saxon history that begins and ends for most of us with Beowulf and the heroic culture of the mead hall."
Reading the Ages
Hild by Nicola Griffith, Kathleen Ingram
"I very much enjoyed this long but beautifully written tale of a favourite time and person."
In which I talk to Rafe Posey about Hild, what did/n’t change in my life after publication, voice, and more.
Listing some novels that readers might like, Mary Ann Gwinn mentions Peter Tremayne’s novels. "These books are so popular, they have inspired their own fan club, the International Sister Fidelma Society. I would like to start a similar club for Hild. Can I sign you up?" (She and Terry Tazzioli had some lovely things to say about Hild when Terry interviewed me for PBS's Well Read.)
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: