Just three quick proofs for now, taken by the incomparable Jennifer Durham. We've got more photos, and some splendid video from Kurt Lorenz coming, but that takes time to edit.
It was a wonderful event, perhaps the most fun I've ever had at a reading. It was standing-room only. With a bar. And packed with people who have helped me, or I have helped, or whom I know someone I know will help. My people. It was a fantastic feeling.
I read two pieces from the book: the beginning, and a snippet about two-thirds of the way through, that I think of as the butcher bird sequence.
I signed a zillion books for people. (The book, the folks at Elliott Bay tell me, is selling well, so I'm pleased.)
And, as you can see, except for the dramatic, Hild-is-killing-people-now moments in the readings, I smiled and smiled and smiled.
Thank you to everyone who was there.
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: