A couple of days ago I read this in the Huffington Post:
WASHINGTON -- Women including sports icon Billie Jean King and actress Jane Lynch are starting a super PAC on Wednesday that they hope will increase the political power of the lesbian community.
The organization, called LPAC, will provide financial backing to pro-lesbian candidates, whether Democrats or Republicans, male or female, gay or straight. The group intends to back federal and state candidates, as well as some ballot measures. All targets of the group's support must back an end to discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals; reproductive rights and access to quality health care; and social, racial and economic justice. [Thanks to Janet for the heads-up.]The Guardian also has a good piece (with one caveat, keep reading).
I hope LPAC raises millions and millions of dollars. I hope they go out there and kick political arse. I hope they aren't shy about using their money to build alliances--or destroy enemies--and bring about change.
I love the notion of women flexing their political and financial muscle. I'm so very tired of women smiling bravely and loyally, and playing Nice.
Perhaps this is because playing nicely has never been one of my skills. I tend to play to win. Lately, of course, with Kelley's influence, I play for everyone to win--I love to build coalitions--but winning, of some variety, has always been part of my game. When I'm fighting my corner I don't have much need to be loved, or even liked. I already have plenty of friends; I have a partner; I have a big family. I've learnt that the best way to get what I want is to build mutual respect. Key word: mutual. So for those women reading this who haven't yet figured it out: don't be afraid of being disliked; you won't melt. It's better to be respected and admired. If that involves a little fear sometimes then, hey, that works, too. Get out there and take up space.
I am pleased, therefore, that these rich and powerful women are feeling their strength. And, no, I don't mean 'gay women'. I dislike that term. (I don't know when the Guardian started using it; I hope they get over it soon.) I am so very tired of always being the qualified noun, not the noun itself. (And, no, like 'man', let's not kid ourselves that 'gay' really includes women. I'll save you a rant on the subject; go read "Alien in Our Own Tongue.") The boys can have gay. We are dykes, or lesbians, or queer. And we have money, and power, and influence. Be afraid, be very afraid...
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