Love Game of Thrones? Can't get enough of Wildcards? Think Clarion West is the best thing since sliced bread?
I have just the thing for you: two and a half hours of wine, food, and conversation with George R.R. Martin, in the company of only 99 other guests. Right here in Seattle. The tickets are only $75 and all the proceeds go to benefit Clarion West.
Here are the details:
Saturday July 7, 2012 • 7–9:30 p.m.
The evening will feature a light dinner buffet reception with wine.
Program: 8–9 p.m. George R.R. Martin will be interviewed by award-winning author Connie Willis, followed by Q & A.
Uptown Hideaway
819 5th Ave North, Seattle
Note: Entrance on Aloha St above Crow RestaurantIf that sounds like a good deal, then email Davis Fox and come hang out. I'll be there, and Kelley--and, y'know, wine and food and top-flight conversation with exciting writers. All for $75. Plus the priceless satisfaction that, no, it's not about having a fabulous time in incredible company, of course not, it's about helping the future writers of f/sf. The writers who will one day feed your reading habit...
Attendance at this event is limited to 100 people. $75 per person
To reserve your ticket email For more information please call Clarion West Executive Director Davis B. Fox at 206 322 7282.
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