A couple of readers have asked my opinion regarding the best place to give money. Specifically, money to help encourage research and treatment options regarding Dr Angelique Corthals' exciting new understanding of multiple sclerosis (that it's a metabolic disorder akin to atherosclerosis).
I'm stumped. I used to be on the board of the Multiple Sclerosis Association (MSA) of King county. I didn't care for their approach--people with MS were to be helped but not consulted--but couldn't change their course. After a year or so of trying I resigned. Not long afterwards they were absorbed into the Great Northwest chapter of the NMSS.
I have absolutely nothing against the NMSS, I believe they do a great deal of good. But I'm wondering if there's a more nimble organisation, one willing and able to use a nice donation to help push further investigation into Dr. Corthals' insight into the etiology of the disease.
I'd love to hear your opinion on that. Information by the 28th Dec would be most helpful--so that kind donors can make their gift in time to take a deduction against their 2011 taxes. If you have thoughts to share, I'd eager to hear them.
Meanwhile, I wish you a warm and welcoming holiday with those you love.