On Wednesday, October 26th, Kelley and I, and our friend Colleen Lindsay (Penguin Group), will be talking to local members of the Pacific Northwest Writers' Association about social media:
These days, it isn’t enough to just write a compelling novel. Agents and editors are looking for writers who are also engaging potential readers online, building strong virtual communities and using social media to build a platform before they’ve even gotten published. Tonight we’ll talk about how to get started in this scary new digital world, best practices for using social media, balancing the personal and the professional online, and - most importantly - what you do to make sure that your writing doesn’t suffer in the process. Q&A session to follow!
This is a huge topic. I could probably talk for a week--but right now I'm planning to speak to just one aspect of the subject, which is Hild: how and why I've approached social media in and for a genre I've never played with before. But I imagine a lot of other stuff will come up.
This is a members-only event. But whether you can be there or not, here's your chance to ask questions. What would you like to know? All three of us are experts in slightly different corners of the publishing socialverse. So fire away. If I don't know the answer, I'll make sure to find out. And, later, in a blog post, I'll try to summarise what was discussed here in the comments and live at the event.