One of the gifts we got for our anniversary was a bottle of 40 year-old port:
We haven't cracked it yet, but I know when we do it's going to taste like cello music. You'll understand when you read Kelley's latest Clarion West write-a-thon piece, "The Taste of You":
One of the things I love about Charlie is that he’s a hard man whose music tastes so sweet. He goes on stage like he’s ready for a fight, his shaved head and his scowl, his jailhouse tattoos, the skull etched on his synthesizer, and he sings songs so brutal they make people flinch. Bad love, violent ends, hopelessness, despair, barely containable rage. And it all tastes like strawberries and cream. It’s such a kick: Charlie’s wailing I’m gonna kill my girlfriend with a mallet and a stake, and I’m in the VIP zone by the sound board wanting to eat the music with a spoon and then lick the bowl. [more]
So go read it. Read the others here. Consider sponsoring Kelley.
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