The Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Awards are for works of speculative fiction translated into English from other languages. It's a small and fantasically focused (in all senses of the phrase) organisation. Until Friday, if you donate to the Translation Awards fund, you'll be automatically entered into the draw for a number of spectacular prizes. I've got my eye on one in particular:
From Andy Sawyer at the University of Liverpool we have a copy of the recently discovered John Wyndham novel, Plan for Chaos. This is the book in which Wyndham does Nazi clones long before The Boys from Brazil was thought of. There is a Penguin paperback of this book available, but we have a copy of the University of Liverpool hardcover edition that is $85 on Amazon.
There are a dozen other nifty things, such as signed book from Neil Gaiman, Élisabeth Vonarburg, and Jeff Vandermeer.
Also, if you've been hankering after a copy of my wee memoir-in-a-box, And Now We Are Going to Have a Party, that's also up for grabs ($75 value). I can't take any credit whatsoever for its design--it's a seriously beautiful box, packed with five little volumes, letterpress preface by Dorothy Allison, photos, poster, CD, scratch 'n' sniff cards; like rummaging about in a trunk found in the attic--but I wrote all the words (and drew the pictures, and sang the songs).
Go give them some money. Even if you don't win something, you'll get the special glow from doing something seriously worthwhile. You've got til Friday.