The Lambda Literary Foundation is more than halfway to its goal of raising $10,000 for the Chuck Forester Challenge Grant: $6,500 so far, thanks to you. There are 19 more days to raise the remaining $3,500. Chuck will match the money raised, dollar for dollar.
The exceedingly cool thing, if you work for the kind of corporation that matches charitable giving, is that your gift will end up being quadrupled. If you give $25, and your company matches it, for a total of $50, and Chuck then matches that, your $25 grows to $100. So, hey, at those rates you're practically obliged to give!
Chuck was one of my students at the Emerging Voices fiction workshop this summer. Another student, Eric Nguyen, is also asking for donations--but of stories, for the Better Book Project. I keep saying "Queer books save queer lives." It remains true. LLF is the premier organisation dedicated to that mission.
Give money, or give a story. Save lives.