Apparently, you can now TiVo real life. From Fast Company:
Ever see something you wish you had on film? Say, a miraculous home-run in the ninth, or your baby's first steps? A new wearable camcorder called Looxcie (look-see) aims to capture all these shooting-star moments.
Looxcie ($199) is a Bluetooth headset that features video recording--but no record button. Rather, the device is designed to constantly capture video, which can either be viewed live on one's smartphone, or saved to memory if a YouTube-worthy event occurs. Like any Bluetooth headset, Looxcie fits snugly around one's ear (it's a bit heavy), and can make and receive calls. But since the device is constantly on and recording to a temporary storage buffer, one must only hit the "Instant Clip" button, and the last 30-seconds of footage is automatically saved to your Android, and soon BlackBerry and iPhone. What you see is what you record.
I'd run a mile from anyone wearing one of these things. But perhaps I'm hopelessly old-fashioned. (I've been running into this a lot this month. Something to do with the Big Birthday coming up? Nah...)
ETA: For those who absorb their info more readily via video (via Newsy):
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