Booker prize shortlisted authors (clockwise): Andrea Levy, Howard Jacobson, Tom McCarthy, Peter Carey, Emma Donoghue and Damon Galgut. Photograph: PR/Eamonn McCabe/Sarah Lee (Guardian)
The Booker prize shortlist was announced yesterday:
Andrea Levy, The Long Son
Howard Jacobson, The Finkler Question
Tom McCarthy, C
Peter Carey, Parrot and Olivier in America
Emma Donoghue, Room
Damon Galgut, In a Strange Room
This year, I haven't read any of them. The only one that I've paid any attention to (and that only in an If I see that at the library, must remember to pick it up kind of way) is Parrot and Olivier in America. The others, that is, the ones I know anything about, sound as though they would be rather claustrophobic and tense-making.
I like a novel that sprawls, I like an epic canvas. That's just my particular preference. I know others like different things.
So what's your take on these novels? Anything you're looking forward to? Anything you've read?