
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

nominating women

Nominations for the Hugo Awards (basically a Readers' Choice gong for f/sf) are open, and over at the Feminist SF blog, there's a guest post by Cheryl Morgan "as part of the ongoing series about men-only short lists at the Hugo Awards. It’s full of excellent positive ideas about how we can change the men-only lists – for this year and for always! – and I hope people will comment with other ideas about nominating more women for the Hugo Awards."

You have to be a member or supporting member of last year or this year's Worldcon. But if you're not, be aware that much of the advice applies to other awards. Go read, go vote. For something.

I'd love one of those awards: you get a ginormous shiny rocket ship with your name on it. So cool. Best of luck to everybody.

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