In the Griffith-Eskridge household we decided that yesterday belonged to the time-out-of-time season so today is the start of the new decade. The fact that 01.02.2010 is palindromic pleases me at a geekly level.
My main plan for 2010 is to finish some publishable portion of Hild and to have a damn fine time with Kelley. Secondary to that, I'll be working with LLF on exciting projects, helping other writers with Sterling Editing, and travelling--Atlanta, New York, England, possibly Italy (it all depends on Hild).
Naturally there will be some other writing (I'll list upcoming publications in another post), some walking in the park, some rants, and lots of adventures with fine wine...
...speaking of which, for New Year's Eve we drank a bottle of Barbaresco we've been hoarding for three years: a 1996 Fontanabianca. This was the wine that, in 1998, at a little restaurant in Seattle's University district (run by a bit of a rogue called Angelo--who flirted outrageously with Kelley and often served us wearing a black eye and cut lip) triggered my love of the Piedmontese. Drinking it was a reaffirmation of our quest for joy and delight in all aspects of our life together. It was so fine it took us nearly two hours to drink one bottle. Every drop felt like a miracle.
I'll be back on Monday with a blog about something or other. For now, go read about the Best. Lesbian. Decade. Ever. and get nostalgic--because this decade is going to be even better.