Mostly book stuff, with a poke-fun-at-those-wacky-Catholics moment at the end. (Which I'm allowed to do because I'm a Catholic born and bred.)
NaNoWriMo Revision Special, from Sterling Editing: a reward for writers who are working hard. The more you write, the bigger you save!
Charles Tan guest posts at Ecstatic Days and names "It Takes Two" on his Best Of 2009 short list, woo hoo!
Three Reasons Why You Should Read Debut Novels. "I've been reading debut novels for years. In fact, I've made a specialty of it. I have read so many debut novels over the years that I decided to make discovering debuts the focus of my blog." Go on. Take a chance.
Carina Press, Harlequin's new venture, aims to publish "a broad range of fiction with an emphasis on romance and its subgenres. We will also acquire voices in mystery, suspense and thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, erotica, gay/lesbian, and more!" I'll be watching this--I think it could be a fabulous opportunity for some novelists.
Kindle in Color - As Long As You Read on Your PC. From Richard Curtis, a review of the non-Kindle Kindle experience: meh. Plus, "Just remember you don't have to wet your finger to swipe to the next page, as yours truly unconsciously did on a friend's iPhone. I left a nice wet souvenir on the screen. Twentieth century habits die hard."
E.T. Phone Rome. From the Seattle P-I: "Four hundred years after it locked up Galileo for challenging the view that the Earth was the center of the universe, the Vatican has called in experts to study the possibility of extraterrestrial alien life and its implication for the Catholic Church."