In the last month I've had 16,201 visits to Ask Nicola from 90 countries. That's more visitors than usual: more than 6,000 of you came to read trembling with rage, my post about Janice Langbehn's story. If only ten percent of you did something--talked to your neighbour, posted a blog that prompted someone else to talk to their neighbour, or filled out a ballot--then we might have made a difference. So thank you all. We'll check back in on November 4th when, hopefully, we'll have good results on Referendum 71.
November will be a month of head-down work for me. Hild is reaching a critical stage. Plus, it's just that kind of weather, y'know? Rain pounding down, thick stews simmering on the stove, leaves piling up around the car which hasn't left the driveway for two days. It's the time for in-dwelling, exploring imaginary worlds: writing time. I'm looking forward to it.
Which is my way of saying I don't know what kind of blogging I'll be doing in the next new weeks. It's possible I'll want to indulge in avoidance behaviour, and so will blog my heart out. It's possible that I'll be wholly engaged with Hild and will post random snippets of nothing-in-particular twice a week. Let's look at it as an adventure...