If you're willing to buy a copy of this week's New Scientist, the special science fiction edition, then you're invited to the pub to meet a bunch o' people I know and love:
To celebrate New Scientist's special science fiction issue, we're taking guest editor Kim Stanley Robinson - award-winning author of the Mars trilogy, Antarctica and more - down the pub. We thought it'd be fun to ask our readers to come along too!
So if you'd like to chat with other New Scientist readers, SF fans - and our writers and editors, of course - reserve your place now! Tickets are free, but you'll need to show us a copy of New Scientist magazine to gain entry. The venue is the Yorkshire Grey in Holborn.
Please note that it's first come, first served, and if you want to bring friends they will have to register individually and bring their own copies of the magazine.The new issue, including the sci-fi special, will be in shops on Thursday.
Friday, September 18, 2009 at 7:00 PM
I wish I could be there, but I'll be thousands of miles away, in Seattle. But us skiffy types can drink, we can party, and we can talk the hind leg off a donkey--so go! Have fun. Drink one for me.