Finalists for the 2009 Lambda Literary Awards have just been announced:
- Open, Jenny Block, Seal Press
- Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love & Desire, Lisa M. Diamond, Harvard University Press
- The Bishop's Daughter, Honor Moore, W.W. Norton
- Kinsey Zero Through Sixty: Bisexual Perspectives on Kinsey, Ron Jackson Suresha, Taylor & Francis Journals
- Rimbaud, Edmund White, Atlas & Company
- 10,000 Dresses, Marcus Ewert & Rex Ray, Seven Stories Press
- Intersex (For Lack of a Better Word), Thea Hillman, Manic D Press
- Two Truths and a Lie, Scott Schofield, Homofactus Press
- Boy with Flowers, Ely Shipley, Barrow Street Press
- Transgender History, Susan Stryker, Seal Press
- A Casulty of War: Gay Short Fiction, Peter Burton, Arcadia Books
- Live Through This, edited by Sabrina Chapadjiev, Seven Stories Press
- Love, West Hollywood, edited by Chris Freeman and James J. Berg, Alyson
- Our Caribbean, edited by Thomas Glave, Duke University Press
- Big Trips: More Good Gay Travel Writing, edited by Raphael Kadushin, University of Wisconsin Press
- Hit the Road, Manny: A Manny Files Novel, Christian Burch, Simon and Schuster
- Out of the Pocket, Bill Konigsberg, Dutton
- How They Met & Other Stories, David Levithan, Knopf Children's Books
- Mousetraps, Pat Schmetz, Carolrhoda Books
- What They Always Tell Us, Martin Wilson, Random House Children's Books
- Love & Lies: Marisol's Story, Ellen Wittlinger, Simon and Schuster
- Phi Alpha Gamma, Dan Bernitt, Sawyer House
- Radical Acts: Collected Political Plays, Martin Duberman, The New Press
- The Second Coming of Joan of Arc, Carolyn Gage, Outskirts Press
- Two Truths and a Lie, Scott Schofield, Homofactus Press
- Vile Affections, Vanda, Original Works Publishing
- Me as Her Again, Nancy Agabian, Aunt Lute Books
- If I Could Write This in Fire, Michelle Cliff, Univ of Minnesota Press
- Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America 1861-2003, William N. Eskridge Jr, Penguin Group
- Beyond (Straight & Gay) Marriage, Nancy Polikoff, Beacon Press
- Loving The Difficult, Jane Rule, Hedgerow Press
- Drifting Toward Love, Kai Wright, Beacon Press
- The Archer's Heart, Astrid Amara, Blind Eye Books
- The Magician and the Fool, Barth Anderson, Bantam Del Rey
- Wilde Stories 2008, Steve Berman, Lethe Press
- Sea, Swallow Me and Other Stories, Craig Gidney, Lethe Press
- Turnskin, Nicole Kimberling, Blind Eye Books
- Tomboys: A Literary & Cultural History, Michelle Ann Abate, Temple University Press
- The Dividends of Dissent: How Conflict and Culture Work in Lesbian and Gay Marches on Washington, Amin Ghaziani, The University of Chicago Press
- Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality, Regina Kunzel, The University of Chicago Press
- Political Manhood: Red Bloods, Mollycoddles, & the Politics of Progressive Reform, Kevin P. Murphy, Columbia University Press
- Screening Sex, Linda Williams, Duke University Press
- Red Audrey & the Roping, Jill Malone, Bywater Books
- Passing for Black, Linda Villarosa, Kensington
- Closer to Fine, Meri Weiss, Kensington
- Love Does Not Make Me Gentle or Kind, Chavisa Woods, Fly by Night Press
- The Bruise, Magdalena Zurawski, Fiction Collective Two/University of Alabama Press
- Lipstick on Her Collar, Sacchi Green and Rakelle Valencia, Pretty Things Press
- Periphery: Erotic Lesbian Futures, Lynne Jamneck, Lethe Press
- In Deep Waters 2: Cruising the Strip, Radclyffe and Karen Kallmaker, Bold Strokes Books
- The Slow Fix, Ivan E. Coyole, Arsenal Pulp Press
- The Sealed Letter, Emma Donoghue, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Map of Ireland, Stephanie Grant, Scribner
- All the Pretty Girls, Chandra Mayor, Conundrum Press
- Breaking Spirit Bridge, Ruth Perkinson, Spinsters Ink
- Wrestling with the Angel of Democracy, Susan Griffin, Shambhala Publications
- Intersex (For Lack of a Better Word), Thea Hillman, Manic D Press
- Sex Variant Woman, Joanne Passet, Da Capo
- Sex Talks to Girls: A Memoir, Maureen Seaton, University of Arkansas Press
- Case of a Lifetime, Abbe Smith, Palgrave Macmillan
- Blind Faith, Diane and Jacob Anderson-Minshall, Bold Strokes Books
- Whacked, Josie Gordon, Bella Books
- Sweet Poison, Ellen Hart, St. Martin's Press
- Losers Weepers, Jessica Thomas, Bella Books
- Calling the Dead, Ali Vali, Bold Strokes Books
- Interpretive Work, Elizabeth Bradfield, Arktoi / Red Hen Press
- Kissing Dead Girls, Daphne Gottlieb, Soft Skull Press
- love belongs to those who do the feeling, Judy Grahn, Red Hen Press
- Same Life, Maureen N. McLane, Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Two Minutes of Light, Nancy K. Pearson, Perugia Press
- Finding Home, Georgia Beers, Bold Strokes Books
- A Pirate's Heart, Catherine Friend, Bold Strokes Books
- The Kiss That Counted, Karin Kallmaker, Bella Books
- Hotel Liaison, JLee Meyer, Bold Strokes Books
- The Lonely Hearts Club, Radclyffe, Bold Strokes Books
- Shuck, Daniel Allen Cox, Arsenal Pulp Press
- Light Fell, Evan Fallenberg, Soho Press
- The Screwed-Up Life of Charlie The Second, Drew Ferguson, Kensington
- The Steve Machine, Mike Hoolboom, Coach House Books
- Finlater, Shawn Ruff, Quote Editions
- Best Gay Erotica 2009, Richard Labonte & James Lear, Cleis Press
- The Secret Tunnel, James Lear, Cleis Press
- Hard Working Men, William Maltese, Victor J. Banis, Jardonn Smith, & J.P. Bowie, MLR Press
- Stray Dog Winter, David Francis, Macadam/Cage Publishing
- The Torturer's Wife, Thomas Glave, City Light Publishers
- We Disappear, Scott Heim, HarperCollins
- The Conversion, Joseph Olshan, St. Martin’s Press
- The Boomerang Kid, Jay Quinn, Alyson
- Bringing Him Home, Aaron Cooper, Late August Press
- Swish, Joel Derfner, Broadway Books
- Assisted Loving, Bob Morris, HarperCollins
- Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love, Sheila Rowbotham, Verso Books
- King of Shadows, Aaron Shurin, City Lights Publishers
- The Fisher Boy, Stephen Anable, Poisoned Pen Press
- Sundowner Ubuntu, Anthony Bidulka, Insomniac Press
- Mahu Fire, Neil Plakcy, Alyson Books
- First You Fall, Scott Sherman, Alyson Books
- Spider Season, John Morgan Wilson, St. Martin's Press
- Want, Rick Barot, Sarabande Press
- Please, Jericho Brown, New Issues
- Fire to Fire, Mark Doty, HarperCollins
- Now You're the Enemy, James Allen Hall, Univ. of Arkansas Press
- My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer, Jack Spicer, edited by Peter Gizzi & Kevin Killian, Wesleyan University Press
- Mexican Heat, Laura Baumbach & Josh Lanyon, MLR Press
- Got 'til it's Gone, Larry Duplechan, Arsenal Pulp Press
- The Protector, N.L. Gassert, Seventh Window Publications
Regular readers might spot a familiar title: Periphery: Erotic Lesbian Futures, edited by Lynne Jamneck. In it you'll find my story, "Touching Fire." Here's an audio taste:
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