I just posted my 2001 Liverpool* Guest of Honour speech,"Brilliance, Beauty, Risk" on Shortcovers. Shortcovers is a website of stuff--fiction and not--to download onto your mobile device. Bored on the bus? Go get a story or an essay or an Op-Ed. A lot of it is free. Some of it isn't. They also make it easy to recommend stuff to others. Go find something fab and tell your friends about it.
Shortcovers is kind of cool, and very easy to use. I think I might post a few more things there. (In fact, while I was thinking about it I put up my Dozen Daily Delights. So easy.) They'll take anything under 5,000 words--so I could do essays, rants, interviews, anything. (Not much short fiction, sadly, as most of my stuff exceeds the word limit. And not book chapters, because the publishers have those rights.)
Any requests?
[* A Celebration of British SF was organised by Liverpool University and the Science Fiction Foundation. It was exceedingly cool. ]