So if you're au fait with the last 20 years of f/sf, this post of wicked funny fake book covers will make you giggle. (Via Colleen.)
The one above is my favourite. What's yours?
Oh, and by the way, Happy Thing (whichever variety of thingness you do/n't celebrate). We do Christmas; I'm a child when it comes to ripping open the presents. We're planning the ginormous meal of the world--butternut squash soup, roast pork with roasted rooty goodness (turnip, parsnip, leek, carrot, fennel etc.) and mashed potatoes and green-beans-with-almonds, and mini pavlovas (oh, I love, lovelovelove, that stuff: meringue nests filled with mandarin orange and topped with cream). And a fabulous wine selection. And wonderful neighbours (and, hopefully, family--depends on the snow situation) to celebrate with.