I was going to run the last of the Stay readings today but after being blown away yesterday by Karina's vid I thought I'd post the "Touching Fire" reading she used. There a 90-second context-setting introduction, then a 9-minute reading. (Below is the direct link to the .mp3 for those of you who don't/can't use Flash.) Enjoy.
(direct link)
Next week I'll do the last Stay reading, and after that I'll tackle Ammonite and Slow River and Always. But I'll leaven it with a few songs.
By the way, thanks to Dave (who is always prodding me to keep up, keep up--I'd still be using a pencil, probably, if not for him) you can now subscribe to the Nicola Griffith Podcast to listen to all my audio on your iPod (or whatever). Have fun.
This blog has moved.
My blog now lives here: