Late in 2006 and early 2007, when I was finishing Always and working on my memoir, my creative engine just wouldn't shut down. Every night, exhausted, I would start falling asleep only to have these weird dreamlike writing scenes drop into my head. I'd write them down, in the dark, on 3x5 index cards. In the morning, they were sometimes not legible. Sometimes even if they were legible they didn't make sense. Sometimes they sort of made sense but were incredibly strange. I have twenty or thirty of these snippets, which I call my hypnagogic writing. I don't edit them, because although they're strange, they are exactly themselves.
Here, by special request, is one of those snippets in audio format. It doesn't have a title, though I suppose, for ease of reference, we could call it "Rain." It's 37 seconds long. Enjoy.
Also, over at Gemæcce, my research blog, I've just done a post about Hadrian (his show at the British Museum, his wall, his boyfriend), which some of you may enjoy.